• SAT-1 will be built south to NMTB.
• Automated People Mover will be the only transportation of passenger among two terminals.
-Fully automated & driverless transit system
-Exclusive right of way / guideway
-Tunnel in BKK
-Proprietary system by each supplier – not interchangeable
-Performance Specifications are the Industry Standard for procuring APM systems
-Varying system characteristics & facility design
-Best addressed by early procurement of the APM
-Cable Propelled (no on-vehicle motors)
-Cable under car, in guideway
-10 - 120 passengers / vehicle
-Passive vehicle (only housekeeping electrical)
-Rubber tire, steel wheel or air-levitated §Elevated, at-grade or tunnel
-Requires rooms for drive & return sheaves
-Can be inside a building (DTW & NDIA)
-Detachable grip & switches now available
-Historically: short shuttles (~ 1 km)
-Now: up to 5 km / pinched loops possible
-Electrically self-propelled (traction motors or LIM)
-Rubber tire, steel wheel- steel rail, maglev
-Bottom supported
-Center or Side Guidance Systems
-Elevated, at-grade, in tunnel §Various switch types
-40 - 130 passengers / vehicle 1 – 6 cars / train
-Easiest for system expansion
-Most Typical Airport APM for loop or pinched loop configurations
-Each has implications for:
-Routing complexity
-System Types (cable or self propelled)
-Require Coordination with Fixed Facilities Designers:
-Running Surface (plinth), Guidance & Switching, and Emergency Walkway typically by APM supplier
-Adjacent Equipment Room
-Maintenance & Storage Facility (MSF) (or depot)
-Central Control (OCC)
-Adjacent Equipment Room
-Adjacent UPS
-Power Distribution Substations (PDS) DC or AC
-Project / System Requirements – Established by UCD
-System Configuration and General Alignment(s) - initial & future
-Service levels - trip times, hours / day, availability 99.5% +
- Ridership Demand - initial & future
- Define applicable type(s) of technologies
-Confirm APM capacity accommodates passenger demand(s)
-Preliminary Design and Detailed Design
-Coordinate Requirements/Interfaces with Fixed Facilities
-Develop performance specifications contract documents
-Reference Drawings by Fixed Facilities Designers
-APM System Competitive Procurement Process to Select Supplier
-Performance Specifications
-Fixed Facilities Procurement by Other Contract(s)
-Conventional procurement (public low bid)
-Submission and Review of APM Supplier’s Design Submittals
-In-Plant Manufacturing and Observation
-On-Site Installation and Observation
-Acceptance Testing
-Vehicle/Wayside Testing
-System Level Testing
-System Demonstration
-Safety Certification and Start of Revenue Service/Warranty Period
-O&M Commences
-Competition ensures best value to Owner
-Performance Specifications allow competition and innovation between multiple APM
suppliers and are the Industry Standard
-The Procurement Process must ensure only Service-Proven Technologies
-In Order to Achieve Seamless Future Expansion:
-Expansion by original supplier is almost universal
-Expansion by third party supplier is problematic
-Fast-Tracking APM procurement ahead of fixed facilities helps coordination and interface